ADP adds another energy-saving project as major solar farm installation at Paris-CDG starts operation

ADP adds another energy-saving project as major solar farm installation at Paris-CDG starts operation | aeroports de paris,CDG,solar,geothermal

Part of the Paris-CDG solar plant (photo: ADP)
Fri 7 June 2013 – Airport operator Aéroports de Paris (ADP) has commissioned a photovoltaic plant, or ‘solar farm’, at Paris-Charles de Gaulle (CDG) that will produce 157 MWh of electricity for the ADP network. Covering a total surface area of 4,000 square metres, the plant consists of 792 panels and is expected to save around seven tonnes of CO2 annually. ADP has a strategic plan in place for the period 2011-2015 to reduce its carbon emissions by 25 per cent compared to 2009 and reach a goal of using 15 per cent renewable energy in its overall internal energy consumption. As part of the energy-saving programme, the plan calls for a 12.5 per cent reduction in primary energy consumption per square metre of building surface between 2009 and 2015.

“Aéroports de Paris aims at becoming an example in the field of sustainable development,” said Didier Hamon, ADP’s Environment and Sustainability Director. “This new set-up, representative of our CSR policy, confirms our ambition to develop a lasting relationship in a high-quality manner with our stakeholders.”

Carried out in partnership with the French Civil Aviation Authority, the design uses polycrystalline solar panels containing special glass to limit optical reflection. There has been considerable debate and studies over a potential ‘glint and glare’ problem from some types of solar panels that could lead to temporary ‘flash blindness’ to air traffic controllers at airports or pilots. The issue is addressed in a ‘Solar Guide’ document (page 37) published by the US Federal Aviation Administration.

Over the past few years, ADP has completed two other energy-saving projects at its airports. In 2012, a wood-fired power plant became operational at CDG that should save 25% of the airport’s heating requirements. At Paris-Orly, a geothermal power plant was opened the previous year that supplies the heating requirements for all terminals.

Aéroports de Paris – Sustainable Development



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