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Articles related to AEA,IACA,Siim Kallas,Brussels Airport
January 29, 2021
Carbon emissions from European flights fell by 57 per cent last year compared to 2019, says Eurocontrol
December 5, 2014
EU praises wider engagement on ICAO global measure for aviation emissions but concerned over environmental integrity
August 1, 2012
European airlines criticise moves to artificially inflate price of carbon allowances under EU ETS auction proposal
July 31, 2012
European airlines criticise moves to artificially inflate price of carbon allowances under EU ETS auction proposal
July 5, 2012
European airline chiefs slam "arrogant" bureaucrats over ETS and also EU governments for hindering single sky progress
May 28, 2012
European airline chiefs slam "arrogant" bureaucrats over ETS and also EU governments for hindering single sky progress
December 14, 2011
European airline association hits back at media misconceptions of its EU ETS stand following Commission letter
June 19, 2011
European airline association hits back at media misconceptions of its EU ETS stand following Commission letter
March 4, 2011
Austria follows the lead of Germany with new environmental tax on departing passengers
March 4, 2011
German air passenger departure tax linked to environmental performance draws airline protests
March 3, 2011
European airline chiefs reaffirm support for EU ETS but say obstacles could hinder effective implementation
February 21, 2011
European airline chiefs reaffirm support for EU ETS but say obstacles could hinder effective implementation
October 29, 2010
Possibility of serious delays puts implementation of the Single European Sky at risk, warns EC Vice-President
October 28, 2010
Austria follows the lead of Germany with new environmental tax on departing passengers
June 9, 2010
German air passenger departure tax linked to environmental performance draws airline protests
July 24, 2009
The control of aviation emissions reaches a critical juncture
June 8, 2009
IATA commits airline industry to achieving carbon-neutral growth from 2020 and halve emissions by 2050
June 5, 2009
Economic crisis will not divert us from a commitment to environmental protection, say Europe's major airlines
November 20, 2008
Europe's failure to implement a Single European Sky is an environmental embarrassment, says IATA
November 17, 2008
Airline association appeals to European legislators to stop moving the goalposts on aviation ETS
November 10, 2008
Airlines welcome decision by Belgian Government to drop proposals for an airline passenger tax
October 27, 2008
European ministers rubber stamp Council and Parliament agreement on aviation's entry into the EU ETS
October 16, 2008
Belgian and Irish announcements of new passenger departure taxes lead to airline industry anger
October 13, 2008
European Parliament’s environment committee passes tougher aviation ETS proposals from 2013
September 17, 2008
European passenger traffic and aircraft movements drop for the first time in six years, reports ACI
July 2, 2008
Political deal on aviation's inclusion into EU ETS fails to satisfy either airlines or environmentalists
June 20, 2008
European airline and airport chiefs call for responsible policies on ATM and emissions trading
June 6, 2008
Faced with ever-rising oil prices, European airlines vent their anger at environment MEPs
February 21, 2008
UK Government announces Code of Best Practice for consumer carbon offset schemes
January 23, 2008
UK's air traffic control company NATS to target a 10 per cent reduction in aircraft emissions by 2020
January 7, 2008
European airlines offer a cautious welcome to EU Environment Ministers' ETS agreement
November 14, 2007
European Parliament vote is a "massive blow", says Association of European Airlines
Christopher Surgenor
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