Carbon offset service and information portal on air travel GHG emissions takes off

Carbon offset service and information portal on air travel GHG emissions takes off | My Clean Sky, Guy Lane, Cyberfactory
Thu 25 Sept 2008 – A new Australian-based air travel and environment information portal and carbon offset service, called My Clean Sky, has been launched. Its aim is to educate the public about aviation greenhouse gas emissions, provide a sophisticated emissions calculator and offer passengers a transparent carbon offset service.
The service has been developed by Guy Lane, who says My Clean Sky has been designed to meet the “highest standards” of offset quality. “From my extensive research on this subject,” he says, “it has been possible to create a carbon offset service that meets international best practice, particularly relating to issues such as transparency, administrative and technical rigour, and additionality.”
My Clean Sky uses a new patent-pending transparency process called C-Through, which permits the purchasers of the service to view online the carbon credits that have been used to offset their greenhouse emissions. These credits are created through clean energy projects, which, for now, involve the replacement of energy-hungry light bulbs/globes with more efficient compact fluorescent lights. Carbon offsets are sold for 25 Australian dollars (US$21) per tonne.
The website features an emissions calculator that uses, says Lane, an internationally-recognized formulae developed by the UK’s environment ministry, Defra, and is promoted by the World Business Council on Sustainable Development. The software was developed by innovation technology consultants Cyberfactory and can process up to 1,000 calculations and transactions simultaneously.
“The system accepts a carbon credit number then slices it into 1,000 Virtual Carbon Credits, each worth 1kg of emissions, and allocates a number of these to each transaction, then generates a unique reference number for each transaction, which is printed on the certificate,” explains Luis Sanches of Cyberfactory.
“When the consumer enters this into the My Clean Sky registry, it then shows the carbon credit numbers used to offset their emissions. The consumer can then follow the prompts to enter the Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme (GCAS) registry and view the full transactional history of that carbon credit.”
Lane says he intends to make the air travel carbon emissions calculator and the transaction facility available to other parties who may wish to offer a similar service.



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