NASA adds new research opportunities as it solicits proposals into future reductions in aircraft emissions and noise

NASA adds new research opportunities as it solicits proposals into future reductions in aircraft emissions and noise | NASA

Aircraft of the future? NASA's NextGen concept

Fri 5 Nov 2010 – NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate has amended its NASA Research Announcement to solicit additional research proposals into developing improved prediction methods and technologies for lower noise and emissions as well as higher performance for aircraft of the future. The research opportunities are in support of NASA’s Subsonic Fixed Wing Project. Other topics look at enabling the use of shorter runways at smaller airfields and the use of Fischer-Tropsch alternative aviation fuels. NASA has an annual budget of $4-6 million for the project and is looking to make 20 to 30 awards with a maximum three-year duration. Interested applicants should hurry as proposals are required by the end of this month.


NASA expects educational institutions, non-profit organizations and industry engaged in foundational research will be amongst the primary award recipients.


NASA has set technology goals covering reductions in aircraft noise, LTO NOx emissions and fuel burn for three future target dates: 2015 (termed N+1), 2020 (N+2) and 2025 (N+3). By 2025 the goals expected to be met are -71dB below Stage 4 for noise, a better than 75% reduction in NOx and a better than 70% reduction in aircraft fuel burn.


The strategy includes providing novel test methods and validated prediction tools that can be used to improve system trades for advanced concepts that are capable of meeting these long-term noise, emissions, and performance targets.


The objectives addressing the overall project goals – not all of which are within the scope of this solicitation – include:

  • improvements in prediction tools and new experimental methods that provide fundamental properties and establish validation data;
  • noise prediction and reduction technologies for airframe and propulsion systems;
  • emissions reduction technologies, alternative fuels, and particulate measurement methods; and
  • improved vehicle (aircraft) performance through design and development of lightweight, multifunctional and durable structural components, efficient aerodynamics throughout the flight envelope, and higher bypass ratio engines with efficient power plants.




NASA – Research Announcement on Subsonic Fixed Wing project (pdf)

NASA Research Opportunities



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