Air France KLM achieves Super Sector Leader status by both Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes

Air France KLM achieves Super Sector Leader status by both Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes | Air France, KLM, Spinetta, Hartman, Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Fri 5 Sept 2008 – Air France KLM Group has been named ‘Super Sector Leader’ for sustainability in the wider travel and leisure sector for 2008 and, for the fourth year running, leader in its own airline sector by the two Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, DJSI World (worldwide) and DJSI STOXX (European-wide). Lufthansa once again qualified for DJSI inclusion and succeeded in improving its corporate sustainability rating.

 The DJSI World groups the top 10% leading performers among 2,500 companies in 22 countries in terms of sustainable development, while the DJSI STOXX covers the top 20% companies listed on the DJSI STOXX 600. The Group recently achieved Gold Class status and became Sector Leader following the outcome of an analysis process carried out by the Swiss group Sustainable Asset Management (SAM) Indexes.
Air France KLM is currently listed on all the major sustainability indexes: DJSI World and DJSI STOXX, FTSE4Good and Aspi Eurozone. The Group is also listed in the ‘Global 100’, grouping the 100 most sustainable corporations in the world, and also in the ‘Ethibel’ investment register with the ‘Pioneer’ label.
“This is a proud moment for us to be chosen,” commented Jean-Cyril Spinetta, Group Chairman and CEO. “It acknowledges and underlines the Air France KLM commitment to economic growth in line with environmental and social values. The Group now stands as a reference, not only in the transport sector but also in the wider travel and leisure industry.”
Peter Hartman, President and CEO of KLM, said: “I am delighted that our Group has achieved this top position. Apart from key issues like combating climate change and reducing the environmental impact, we also continue to focus on building sustainable customer relations, promoting a responsible human resources strategy and contributing to local economic developments.”
Lufthansa Group succeeded in improving its rating year-on-year in all three dimensions of corporate sustainability (economic, environmental and social), scoring the highest overall number of points since it was first included in the index in 1999.
In the social dimension, Lufthansa achieved an above-average improvement and now lays claim to becoming the industry leader in this area. It received the highest scores for its labour practice indicators, human capital development, and talent attraction and retention. On environmental criteria, Lufthansa was awarded top marks for its efforts on noise reduction and local air quality. The Group also received top marks for its environmental and social reporting.
The results of the annual review of the DJSI family are monitored by market participants around the world. Currently, asset managers in 16 countries have licensed the indexes to manage a variety of sustainability-driven portfolios – including mutual funds, segregated accounts and structured products, as well as an exchange traded fund (ETF). Total assets under management in DJSI-based investment vehicles now stand at close to $6 billion. The indexes offer market participants professional benchmarks and investment universes for active and passive sustainability portfolios. They also provide a platform to encourage corporate progress towards sustainability and long-term business success.
“This is the 10th time that we have published the results of SAM’s annual assessment for the DJSI family. Since we launched these indexes in 1999, we have seen continuous sustainability improvements within the corporate sector. Today, the world’s leading companies are integrating sustainability considerations into their core business. They are accounting for general as well as industry specific sustainability risks and opportunities. And they do so by setting and achieving clear and quantifiable objectives. At the same time, there remains significant room for improvement and thus wide scope for a continued strong sustainability momentum,” said Alexander Barkawi, Managing Director, SAM Indexes.



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