US and European aerospace industry leaders agree to greater cooperation on ethics and the environment

US and European aerospace industry leaders agree to greater cooperation on ethics and the environment | ASD, AIA, Marion Blakey, Francois Gayet, Ake Svensson, Clay Jones, Saab, Rockwell Collins

US and European aerospace industry leaders reach an agreement
Fri 18 July 2008 – Following a meeting at the Farnborough International Airshow, CEOs from leading aerospace manufacturers on both sides of the Atlantic have agreed to closer collaboration on ethical business practices as well as efforts to improve aviation’s impact on the environment.
According to a statement, the participants “reiterated their commitment to improve upon their excellent record of environmental stewardship within the industry worldwide”. They agreed to convene an environmental summit in Paris this autumn to coincide with an annual European industry conference.
The meeting was organized by the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) and the Aerospace Industries Association of America (AIA). It included Ake Svensson of Saab, leading the European delegation, and Clay Jones of Rockwell Collins, heading the US group.
“It’s vital that we work closely with our European partners on these issues, and we have solid marching orders on the way forward,” said Marion Blakey, AIA President and CEO. “This will lead to continued progress on improvements in ethics, the environment, the NextGen and SESAR airspace modernization programmes, and the other important matters.”
François Gayet, ASD Secretary-General, said: “Transatlantic cooperation is essential to tackle environmental and technological challenges. These challenges are common to the US and the European aerospace industries, which both operate on a global scale.”
The two sides concurred that they should support open and fair markets, and work together to achieve that goal. They also agreed to hold an international forum on business conduct each year to mark progress and plan strategy on exchanging good practices.



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