US travel services website launches Green Travel for the environmentally responsible
Mon 19 Nov 2007 - According to a survey carried out in the US by the Travel Industry Association (TIA) and Ypartnership, an advertising and PR agency specializing in the travel industry, more than half of all US adults say they would be more likely to select an airline, rental car or hotel that uses more environmentally friendly products and processes. However, only 13% said they would be willing to pay higher rates or fares to use such suppliers.
“The results of the survey suggest that awareness of a travel service supplier’s efforts to operate in an environmentally responsible manner may be sufficient to attract additional patronage, but not at a significantly higher fare or rate,” says Suzanne Cook, TIA’s Senior Vice President of Research.
With this in mind, Orlando-based travel services website has launched a new website, the Green Travel Hub. Travellers can book with green hotels, hybrid rental cars and participate in carbon offsetting programmes, or they can book a non-green specific holiday through the Green Travel Hub and still feel environmentally responsible. will donate a portion of the revenue from all travel booked through the Hub to a green organization, whether or not the customer was able to book a green specific trip.
“We recognized two problems in the travel industry: one is that there are not green travel options in every city, and the other is that customers cannot always pay more for their trip,” says Melissa Evans, Marketing Executive for “We’ve solved both these problems and have made a commitment to ‘greening up’ travel for everyone.
“Our prices are actually among the lowest in online travel. In fact, no-one can beat our Save Rate Hotel prices – we guarantee it 110%. What’s even better is that most of our Green Hotels are Save Rate Hotels. Our car rental, flight, and attraction prices are also extremely competitive. On top of that, we offer the most comprehensive green options, an unsurpassed customer rewards programme and travel that customers can feel good about.”
Through a voting area in the Green Travel Hub, customers can nominate and vote for a green organization, to which RezHub will donate 20% of its proceeds.
RezHub is for everyone, says Evans. “We offer bookings with hotels, airlines, car rentals and attractions around the world. Although our green ratings only apply to hotels in the US right now, any travel you book through our Green Travel Hub will make a difference. We do plan to spread our green ratings system worldwide in the future.”
The TIA survey also found that 50% of travellers would be more likely to use an airline if they knew it took the initiative to offset carbon emissions, used newer, more efficient aircraft, or implemented recycling programmes.