Climate decisions-makers call for clearer policies and more political leadership, reports global survey
Thu 10 July 2008 – A worldwide survey of key climate decision-makers shows strong and consistent views that government leaders need to act quickly and agree on a set of clear, inclusive and long-term policies in order to put climate solutions in place. The survey sought the views of 1,350 professionals in position to make or influence climate-related decisions in their governments, companies or other organizations across 120 countries.
Asked what their organizations most need to act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the respondents most often mentioned the need for political support, policy development and regulatory clarity.
Conducted by researchers at GlobeScan for the World Bank, the World Conservation Union, the International Development Research Centre and other supporting organizations, the survey makes clear what are seen as the most important components of an effective post-2012 international agreement on climate change:
·The inclusion of all major carbon-emitting countries (92% of respondents).
·A commitment by wealthy countries to provide aid and technology transfer to assist developing countries to meet targets (86%).
·Legally binding targets for each signatory country (75%).
·Different types of commitments based on countries’ stages of developments (77%).
After the need for policy development, respondents pointed to technology transfer and development as key, particularly in seizing the many opportunities they see in the areas of energy demand management and energy efficiency.
In a ranking of 18 technologies with the potential to lower atmospheric carbon levels over the next 25 years, second-generation biofuels were rated eighth highest with first-generation biofuels from food crops as the least promising.