Budapest Airport starts programme to install noise insulation in affected local residential properties
Thu 2 Oct 2008 – The operator of Budapest’s Ferihegy Airport has started its programme to fit noise insulation to windows in the bedrooms of homes located in the immediate vicinity. In the first phase, around 250 properties in the municipality of Üllö, which are considered to be the most affected by aircraft noise, will have the work carried out and completed before the end of the year, at a cost of around $340,000.
Residents are eligible for the insulation measures, which also include the fitting of fresh air ventilators, if the average day time noise burden exceeds 65dB, or average night time levels exceeds 55dB, at their property, based on current and forecast future air traffic.
The airport stresses the programme is being undertaken and funded voluntarily as a legal requirement to do so has not yet been enforced until a procedure to designate noise protection zones has been completed. A second phase is planned for residents in neighbouring municipalities similarly affected.
“We are continuously working to reduce aircraft noise,” commented the airport’s CEO, Jost Lammers. “The measures implemented during the last two years have significantly improved the quality of life for numerous communities, but this is the first time that properties most affected by noise are fitted with passive acoustic protection.
“We are committed to finding the right balance between the benefits resulting from the proximity of the airport and other impacts arising from its operations for neighbouring residents.”
The installation is part of a wider Noise Protection and Insulation Programme that was announced by the airport a year ago. Other measures have included the construction of a noise deflection structure next to Terminal 1 to block aircraft noise to a neighbouring district.