Airbus becomes a supporter of the Green Wave initiative to promote global biodiversity awareness
(photo: CBD)
Fri 18 July 2008 – Airbus has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to support Green Wave, a worldwide educational project for children and youth. The aircraft manufacturer’s initial involvement will be to help raise public awareness of the initiative through a joint global communications campaign.
In partnership with the CBD secretariat, Airbus is planning to convene a meeting to be held in Paris in early September with a view to establishing a coalition of interested airlines and other aerospace industry members to further develop support for what will be known as the ‘Friends of the Green Wave initiative’.
The overall objective of the campaign, first launched in May at the Bonn Biodiversity Summit, is to provide support to schools around the world in educating students on the importance of biodiversity and engaging them in the global agenda. It encourages them to plant trees and celebrate the International Day for Biodiversity at 10am on May 22 each year.
Speaking at the ceremony held at the Farnborough International Airshow, Airbus President and CEO, Tom Enders, said: “Changing land use is a key factor in the loss of biodiversity. Aviation has a great track record in bringing people together and helping spread development, but with minimal impact on land use. We are keen to put resources and expertise into supporting people who are tackling the major causes of climate change. Deforestation is responsible for 20% of the greenhouse effect that causes global warming, so Green Wave is a great project for us to start with.”
Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Montreal-based CBD, commented: “The Green Wave initiative provides a unique opportunity to unite as a human family and join forces to empower future generations to take charge of their future, which cannot be dissociated from a healthy planet. Today, one of the leading companies that places innovation at the heart of its managerial and industrial processes has decided to join forces to win the battle for life on Earth. I applaud the leadership of Airbus and call upon all interested companies, organizations, foundations and individuals to follow suit.”