Melbourne Airport releases its five-year strategy to shape environmental objectives
Wed 30 Apr 2008 – As part of the lease agreement with the Federal Government and in compliance with The Airports Act, Australia Pacific Airports (Melbourne) (APAM) – the operator of Melbourne Airport – has released its Airport Environment Strategy 2008 (AES), which outlines activities that will be undertaken to ensure the long term sustainability of the environment in and around Melbourne Airport.
Final responsibility for environmental management at Melbourne Airport lies with the Australia Pacific Airports Corporation Board and the Chief Executive Officer, along with key committees and appointed APAM staff. However, all airport staff and businesses are required to meet the requirements of The Airports Act as part of their daily operations.
The 127-page Strategy has been published in draft form to allow for public consultation and comment by July 11. It has been published in conjunction with the Melbourne Airport Master Plan 2008, which outlines the vision for the airport’s medium and long term future, including plans for terminal development, transport access and other key developments.
“These two documents are critical to the future planning of Melbourne’s aviation infrastructure,” said Simon Gandy, the airport’s General Manager, Strategy, Planning and Environment. “Their purpose is to provide certainty for Melbourne Airport’s neighbours, the tourism industry, the business community and all levels of Government that all airport growth will continue to be well-managed, appropriately-timed and will be undertaken with a clear ‘no surprises’ approach.”
Key to the AES is the establishment of specific objectives to further develop and enhance positive environment activities over the five year Strategy period in the following areas:
·Environmental Management – To maintain APAM’s certified Environmental Management System to ISO14001:2004.
·Ecological Sustainable Design – Where Green Star ratings tools are available, ensure:
-5-Star Rating for major new developments beginning in 2009.
-4-Star Ratings for major building refurbishments beginning in 2013.
·Energy Management and Climate Change – Aim to make a material reduction in energy usage with an aspirational target of a 25% reduction in energy usage per square metre of APAM managed and controlled terminal area by 2013 (Baseline Year 2004/2005). Engage with business partners to reduce energy usage across Melbourne Airport.
·Water Consumption Management – Aim to make a material reduction in potable water consumption with an aspirational target of a 15% reduction in potable water usage per passenger by 2013 for all APAM managed and controlled terminals (Baseline Year 2007/2008). Engage with business partners to reduce potable water usage across Melbourne Airport.
·Water Quality: Stormwater – To minimize the impact on stormwater and to maintain stormwater management controls, as outlined in the Stormwater Management Plan.
·Water Quality: Groundwater – Managing airport operators and users to maintain groundwater quality within acceptable levels.
·Waste and Resource Management – Aim to make a material reduction in the volume of waste to landfill from APAM and managed facilities, with an aspirational target of 50% by 2013 (commenced 2004/2005).
·Biodiversity and Conservation Management – To preserve native habitats on federally leased land at Melbourne Airport through sustainable management practices. Establish and implement an Integrated Conservation Management Strategy by 2009.
·Land Management – To undertake all reasonable and practical measures to ensure land contamination does not occur at Melbourne Airport.
·Air Quality – To ensure Melbourne Airport meets both Commonwealth and State air quality standards.
·Cultural Heritage – To ensure sites of cultural and indigenous significance are preserved in accordance with State legislative requirements.
·Ground-Based Noise – To minimise ground noise levels associated with the operation of the Melbourne Airport business and to educate the community about airport operations and related noise.
·Community Engagement – Increase participation in community environmental initiatives. Increase local community awareness of the environment at Melbourne Airport.
·Hazardous Materials – To ensure that all hazardous products are stored, handled and used in compliance with Federal and State requirements. To eliminate hazardous products used on site where possible.
“We were the first Australian airport to achieve international standard ISO14001 accreditation of our
Environment Management System, and we continue to reduce our water, waste and energy consumption whilst maintaining a fast-growing airport operation that serves over 22 million passengers each year,” said Chris Woodruff, CEO and Managing Director, APAM. “This Strategy sets the framework and direction of Melbourne Airport’s environmental commitments for the next five years and is critical to ensuring we remain accountable for our environmental performance. It is designed to provide an overview of where we have come from over the last five years, how we are organising ourselves to manage our environment and engage with our key stakeholders, as well as stating our intent for the coming five year period. This will be accompanied by both measurable targets and tangible outcomes to demonstrate delivery.
“As part of the Strategy, we will continue to report each year to the Commonwealth and the public, on our performance against our Strategy’s measures.
“More broadly however, the Melbourne Airport Environment Strategy will continue to have an impact far beyond this five-year period. The objectives set within this document have been established to ensure a strong, sustainable future for the environment and resources affected by Melbourne Airport’s operation.
“Even beyond our critical moral obligations of strong environmental accountability, a strong plan for the long-term sustainable future of the environment in and around Melbourne Airport simply makes good business sense, and helps to ensure Victoria’s international gateway remains a key part of the working fabric of this state.”