JetBlue Airways to celebrate Earth Day by supporting New York tree planting event

JetBlue Airways to celebrate Earth Day by supporting New York tree planting event | JetBlue, Earth Day, Icema Gibbs
Fri 18 Apr 2008 – US low-cost airline JetBlue Airways is marking Earth Day by hosting environmental volunteer activities as part of its ‘One Thing That’s Green’ initiative. Tomorrow, crew members will join other volunteers in a tree-planting event in New York’s East Harlem neighbourhood and on Earth Day itself, April 22, the airline will distribute Green Starter Kits to crew members and customers.
“At JetBlue, we realize it is our social responsibility to reduce our environmental impact as best we can, in line with low-cost carrier spending habits,” says Icema Gibbs, the airline’s Director of Community Relations. “Through our Getting to Green initiatives, we’re working to protect and preserve the environment and to do our part to be good environmental stewards. By each of us doing One Thing That’s Green we can together make a difference.”
More than 500 JetBlue crew and community volunteers will plant in excess of 250 trees in the first of three tree-planting events to be held during the coming year in support of New York City’s plans to plant one million trees in the city over the next 10 years.
The Green Starter Kits contain environmentally-friendly product samples or coupons from companies that have made a “commitment to the Earth” and offer consumers the opportunity to do One Thing That’s Green and consider replacing traditional products with greener alternatives.
JetBlue says these activities are the start of a larger corporate environmental initiative it will launch in late spring as “part of its dedication to environmental stewardship”.



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