German aviation biofuel initiative aireg gets off the ground as it elects the officials to take it forward
Lufthansa CEO Christoph Franz at the inauguration of aireg in June
Thu 13 Oct 2011 – Following its launch in June, the Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany (aireg) has held its Constituent General Assembly in Berlin. The number of founding members has increased from 20 at the launch to 25, with Boeing now joining the group. Airline members include Air Berlin, Condor, Lufthansa and TUIfly, with Munich Airport as the sole airport representative. Other members include manufacturers and organisations from areas of science and research. The assembly elected a Board, with EADS Deutschland’s Siegfried Knecht as Chairman and Joachim Buse, Lufthansa’s Vice President for Aviation Biofuel, as Deputy Chairman. Delegates also elected Dr –Ing Klaus Nittinger as the association’s President for Industry and Aviation and Prof Dr –Ing Joachim Szodruch as President for Science and Research.
The founding members have also set up an Advisory Council, which includes the parliamentary state secretary of the German federal transport ministry.
“I am delighted that aireg has experienced right from the beginning such great encouragement and outstanding support from businesses, and also from areas of science, research and politics,” said Knecht after the assembly. “Aireg will strive to advance the development and use of alternative, renewable liquid fuels such as biofuels for aviation, so that we can achieve our ambitious CO2 reduction targets.”
The founding members of aireg are:
Air Berlin, Bauhaus Luftfahrt, Boeing International Corporation, Booz & Company, Condor Flugdienst, Deutsche Energie-Agentur, Deutsche Lufthansa, Deutsche Post, Deutsches BiomasseForschungsZentrum, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR), EADS Deutschland, Flughafen München, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, ISCC System, Jatro, JatroSolutions, Leuphana Lüneburg University, MTU Aero Engines, Phytolutions, Rolls-Royce Deutschland, Hamburg-Harburg University of Technology - Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology, TUIfly and Verbio Vereinigte BioEnergie.