Boeing and Airbus to collaborate on achieving air traffic management efficiency and environmental gains

Boeing and Airbus to collaborate on achieving air traffic management efficiency and environmental gains | Airbus, Boeing, Carson, Enders

Scott Carson and Tom Enders join forces at the Aviation & Environment Summit 2008, Geneva (photo: Airbus)
Thu 24 Apr 2008 – In a rare show of unity, Boeing and Airbus have put aside their rivalry to sign an agreement at the Aviation and Environment Summit in Geneva under which they will work together on helping the aviation sector and governments modernize the world’s air transportation management system in order to increase routing efficiency and eliminate traffic congestion.
Both manufacturers believe the initiative will help improve the environmental performance of aviation. “I am convinced technology and innovation hold the key to reducing aviation’s environmental impact and increasing eco-efficiency,” said Tom Enders, Airbus President and CEO. “And competition is a great motivator for this. Where Boeing and Airbus share a common position on the environment and safety, it is in all our interests that we cooperate to achieve our common goals more quickly.”
The two adversaries say competition remains critical for achieving environmental and technological advances that result in new aircraft programmes such as the Airbus A380 and Boeing 787 but there should be “support for an industry alignment on environmental positions where appropriate”.
“Airbus and Boeing are great competitors, and this has been a critical element that has sharpened our focus and efforts towards making aviation more efficient,” commented Scott Carson, President and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. “While our approaches often differ, we are working towards the same goal – to reduce aviation’s environmental impact.”
Both parties say that air traffic improvements through more efficient routing, better arrival management and speed control, which would reduce delays and time in the air and therefore save fuel, represent the greatest short-term opportunities to reduce CO2 emissions.



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