Aviation industry polishes up green credentials with a relaunch of its environmental website

Aviation industry polishes up green credentials with a relaunch of its environmental website | Air Transport Action Group, ATAG, Enviro.aero, Paul Steele, Haldane Hodd

Enviro.aero's redesigned home page
Mon 22 Sept 2008 – Enviro.aero, the environmental website of the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG), a cross-industry international association representing aviation, aerospace and air navigation companies and organizations, has been relaunched with the aim of encouraging increased dialogue between the industry and the public. The updated website provides more interactivity and audio-visual content, as well as a ‘Plane Talking’ blog.
ATAG says the site highlights the technology solutions, operational improvements and infrastructure efficiencies that are being researched and implemented across the world, and aims to answer the questions being raised by environmental groups and members of the public about aviation’s impact on the environment and in particular climate change.
“By visiting the site, passengers and industry insiders alike can understand more about the latest projects underway. It is a valuable resource,” said Paul Steele, Executive Director of ATAG.
ATAG’s members include airports, airlines, airframe and engine manufacturers, air navigation service providers, airline pilot and air traffic controller unions, chambers of commerce, tourism and trade partners, ground transportation and communications providers. It is based in Geneva and is the organizer of the aviation industry’s now annual Aviation and Environment Summit. ATAG says its mission is “to promote aviation’s sustainable growth for the benefit of global society”.
Steele combines his role as ATAG’s Executive Director with that of Director of Environment at the International Air Transport Association (IATA). ATAG recently appointed Haldane Hodd, formerly with Airports Council International (ACI), as its new Head of Communications.



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