Air France KLM identifies five key sustainability issues as it publishes its 2007-8 CSR report
(photo: Capital Photos / KLM)
Fri 11 July 2008 – The Air France KLM Group has published its fourth annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report, which sets out its approach to sustainable development by identifying five key issues and points the way in which the Group intends to address them. Combating climate change and reducing its environmental impact, not only in the air but also on the ground, are seen as the two leading priorities.
“We must reconcile our profitable growth business model with increasingly expensive energy and our commitment to combat climate change,” commented Jean-Cyril Spinetta, Chairman and CEO of Air France-KLM.
In an introduction to the report, Spinetta and Peter Hartman, President and CEO of KLM, state: “We are committed to accelerating the modernization of our fleet by investing 2 billion euros a year for the next three years. We are also committed to giving strong support for research into energy efficiency, helping our customers to offset CO2 emissions generated by their flights, carrying out environmental protection programmes, and mobilizing all our resources to also reduce emissions on the ground.”
The other three key sustainability issues include building sustainable customer relations, promoting a responsible human resources strategy and contributing to local economic development both directly through the Group’s activities and indirectly through its capacity to create jobs and foster skills.
Since 2005, Air France KLM has been the only airline group to be included in the main sustainability indices: the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, FTSE4Good and Aspi.