Hong Kong International on track to achieve carbon goal as it commits to becoming the world's greenest airport

Hong Kong International on track to achieve carbon goal as it commits to becoming the world's greenest airport | Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong International Airport

AAHK Chairman Dr Marvin Cheung Kin-tung

Tue 15 May 2012 – Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) and 40 airport business partners have pledged to cooperate to make Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) the world’s greenest airport. The commitment comes as AAHK announces the airport achieved a 10 per cent reduction in carbon intensity in 2011, which it says is on track with a goal made in 2010 to lower carbon intensity by 25 per cent from 2008 emission levels by 2015. The 2011 reduction was achieved as a result of over 300 green initiatives carried out by the airport community. Three companies at the airport have received awards for their carbon reduction achievements at a ceremony last week. Meanwhile, Hong Kong’s Cathay Pacific has received a special award recognising 10 years of continuous commitment to the community, its employees and the environment.


Last year, AAHK began a rolling three-year environmental plan, covering a range of targets and initiatives as part of what it describes as the airport’s commitment to the ‘three Rs’ of environmental protection: reducing, reusing and recycling. During the year, the airport community carried out LED installations as it seeks to replace more than 100,000 lighting applications by the end of 2014, as well as improving chiller systems, introducing more energy-efficient vehicles and launching green educational programmes.


AAHK has also announced that all new saloon cars in the Airport Restricted Area must be electric from 2013, and extended to the entire ARA fleet by 2017. The authority says it will invest HK$40 million ($5.15m) to install more charging stations in phases. From 2014, all aircraft when parked at stands will not be allowed to use their Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) and instead be required to use Fixed Ground Power and Pre-conditioned Air systems except for special operational reasons.


Grey water treatment capacity is being increased to 6,000 cubic metres per day, the equivalent, says, AAHK, to recycling daily water usage of 7,000 four-member families. AAHK is also to enhance recyclables separation at the Airside Waste Station and work with all tenants on the airport island to achieve its goal of separating and recycling all recyclables within 10 years, except those deemed unhygienic to handle.


Last week’s ceremony was hosted by AAHK Chairman Dr Marvin Cheung Kin-tung and CEO Stanley Hui Hon-chung, as well as Hong Kong’s Secretary for Transport and Housing, Eva Cheng. It was also attended by local representatives of a number of environmental groups, including Friends of the Earth, WWF-Hong Kong and Green Power.


“Environmental care is not only one of the airport community’s core values, but a principle we share in our daily operations and future development,” said Dr Cheung. “Today’s pledge to become the world’s greenest airport marks a big step forward, putting HKIA at the forefront worldwide by providing a delightful airport experience and delivering exemplary environmental performance.”


Gold, silver and bronze ‘Most Effective Carbon Reduction’ awards were presented to LSG Sky Chefs, Gate Gourmet Hong Kong and Asia Airfreight Terminal Company.


AAHK also showcased its newly-acquired fleet of 31 electric saloon vehicles, making it the largest such fleet owner in Hong Kong, and the authority says it will encourage its business partners to replace their old vehicles with electric-powered alternatives. It adds that it will continue to work closely with partners to achieve a high level of environmental performance across the airport community, including setting up guidelines and providing regular workshops.


Meanwhile, Cathay Pacific Airways has received a 10 Consecutive Years Caring Company Logo 2002-12 from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service for its continued commitment to caring for the well-being of the community, its employees and the environment. The airline has been awarded the Caring Company Logo every year since the scheme was launched in 2003, and won the top Total Caring Award in 2010.

Cathay Pacific was nominated for the latest award by seven non-governmental organisations: Caritas – Hong Kong, Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF, Hong Kong Red Cross, Life Education Activity Programme, Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council, The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association and World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong.



“Our airline has a deep and lasting commitment to being a socially responsible organisation and we have put a lot of effort into demonstrating this commitment across a number of areas, including the community, the environment and towards our employees,” said Cathay Pacific Director Corporate Affairs Quince Chong. “Receiving this latest honour will strengthen our resolve to take our drive towards sustainability to the next level.”




Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK)

Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) – Environmental Management

Cathay Pacific Airways




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