ICAO to hold a workshop to explore ways of including international aviation in a global carbon market

The event is intended to familiarize participants with key issues related to aviation emissions and carbon markets, and it will review a variety of approaches including emissions trading and carbon offset programmes. It is intended that a broad discussion takes place of the pros and cons, as well as the opportunities, of a global aviation carbon market.
It is expected to attract those involved with aviation and environmental protection in ICAO Contracting States, governments, international organizations, aviation industries and academic/research institutions.
The workshop will be conducted in English and will be free of charge, and as space is limited, early registration is advised.  Further details will be published in due course on the ICAO website.
ICAO has been charged with coming up with a global aviation emissions ‘cap and trade’ scheme but has not so far managed to persuade its member States on the issue. The lack of progress has resulted in Europe going it alone and the EU has recently voted to include aviation emissions in its own Emissions Trading Scheme from 2012, and will include all carriers, foreign and European, flying in and out of Europe. ICAO’s current position is that this should only be done on the basis of mutual agreement between States.
ICAO has set up a Group on International Aviation and Climate Change (GIACC), which met for the first time last month. However, its mandate specifically excludes discussions on an international ‘cap and trade’ system for aviation emissions.



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